Node-RED google home integration

Ahh, in that case there are a number of ways to do it. Here are two I can think of right away:

  1. use a function node to create the object
var t = msg.payload;
msg.payload = {"temperature": t};
return msg;

or condensed:

msg.payload = {"temperature": msg.payload};
return msg;
  1. use a change node with the jsonata option:

thanks a lot, just discovered this set of nodes and playing with it; just a bit confused as in the description of them it says "light on/off, [brightness], [color]" but I can't understand how to setup/use the color options as I'd like to control some home made RGB Strip controllers...
can you please explain?

@zenofmud - Thankyou! As a newbie user, I have to say this early learning curve is frustrating when I don't yet know what I'm trying to ask (ie. convert a number to a JSON object).

@GiovanniC - As best I understand, the NORA Light node doesn't support colors yet.

Just to clarify, you weren't trying to convert it to a JSON object. You were trying to convert it to a JavaScript object. A JSON object is a string represention of a JavaScript object.

Thanks. I'll try and get the process at least named correctly...:blush:

Dear Andrei, this is a great node:)
Would you please help how to send the room temperature to the thermostat(Google home)?
MQTT is quite easy - but I donĀ“t know how can looks like the payload for example:
temperature: 15; humidity: 60%; etc.

The goal is simply - asking Google Home - "what is the current room temperature...?"
Reply: itĀ“s 20C degree etc..

Thank you,

The attached screenshot is my flow and you can import the code below.


You will need to hang a debug node onto the temperature device output you have in Node-Red. From there, ascertain what format the information is in. Some helpful people here will tell you how to change that format to suit the NORA Thermostat.

The NORA Thermostat has both a thermostat mode and current temperature. When asked, Google responds "It's currently 23Ā° and Kitchen Temperature is off".

[{"id":"3542d99a.26fb36","type":"nora-thermostat","z":"febb2f85.8f061","devicename":"Kitchen Temp","roomhint":"Kitchen","name":"Kitchen Temp","modes":"off,on","unit":"C","topic":"Kitchen Temp","passthru":true,"nora":"c70fb22a.80261","x":880,"y":100,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"31918a4d.bee056","type":"loxone-control-in","z":"febb2f85.8f061","name":"Kitchen Temp","miniserver":"","control":"12fd93af-007a-9696-ffff914735ae28fa","state":"12fd93af-007a-9696-ffff914735ae28fa","x":190,"y":100,"wires":[["d91ee152.5f245"]]},{"id":"d91ee152.5f245","type":"function","z":"febb2f85.8f061","name":"Convert to Javascript Object","func":"msg.payload = {\"temperature\": msg.payload};\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":520,"y":100,"wires":[["3542d99a.26fb36"]]},{"id":"c70fb22a.80261","type":"nora-config","z":"","name":"nora config","group":"","notify":true}]

Hi Tico,

Awesome, thanks a lot for quick help! :slight_smile:
Working very well - with ESP8266&MQTT.


Hi There,

I've started using this node to control my iO.E branded Tuya smart wifi lights.

I couldn't find any information on color control being added to the nodes yet? Has this been added?

Losing the light color feature will be a serious loss, but I'm really not keen on these lights being controlled via the cloud


I've noticed a problem with the NORA Thermostat. It might be the same symptoms reported by @LondisDunleer a few posts up.

After successfully setting up the NORA Thermostat (called Kitchen Temperature) and deploying it, it works fine for a duration.

If I subsequently do any deploys in Node-Red (which can be changes unrelated to NORA), a temperature request to the NORA Thermostat results in -

"It looks like the 'Kitchen Temperature' isn't available right now."

Unlinking, then relinking the NORA account resumes correct operations. When the next Deploy is actioned in Node-Red, it breaks the NORA Thermostat again. I have a NORA Light node in use also. That's not broken by re-deploys.

Hi Andrei,
I'm Enrico, i work as a automation engineer. I just found your interesting integration for google home in node red.
Is still possible to join for test?

Thank you very much.


Sorry, i found out that it is not anymor on test.
Thank you

@andrei-tatar finally it is working
today I tested Thermostat for Humidity

Command : " Hey Google, whatā€™s the room humidity ? "
Google answer : ā€œNEST has a current humidity reading of 54%ā€

what about Humidity?

Stop working again ?

Hello, I am new to Nora and kind of to node-red... I created my own domotics system (all switches, lights, blinds in my house) and I am interfacing with it through Node-Red, which is working perfectly.
Now I try NORA to integrate with Google Assistent.

This appears to be working. But I have about 20 devices (actually one home-domotics, but it can trigger 20+ applicances at home)

All the devices are visible in Google Home, so the communication with NORA works.
However, not all devices work.... I cannot find the logic... sometimes they work and sometimes not.
Is there a limit in the number of devices? if yes, how can I get rid of the limit?
Any other ideas?

Congratulations and thanks @andrei-tatar for this truly excellent node! I had it working in just a few minutes.

Issue: NORA only issues a message if the on/off state changes. This is a problem for devices with unknown state.
Is there a way to ask NORA to always pass commands through? Or, define a device that has no state?

Use case #1: I want to say "Turn off the TV", and NORA will send a message to a Tasmota node to generate an IR signal to turn the TV off. But, NORA will only do that if it thinks the TV is on. The TV was most likely turned on by hand-remote, so GooleHome knows nothing about its state. I need to say "Turn on the TV", "Turn off the TV" to be sure of getting a Turn Off message.

Use case #2: I have some lights connected to 433MHz sockets. Again, GoogleHome has no idea of the current state. Also, the 433MHz signal is not reliable, so I sometimes need to say the 'turn on' command more than once.

FYI - I am also looking at gBridge; and that always generates a message, even when there is no state change.

Many thanks!

There's no limit. I also have ~20 devices. Try to add more details about what's not working and details about your internet connection. The node-red plugin tries to keep a non stop websocket connection to the nora-service.

This has already been addressed with Send msg if state doesn't change checkbox. I would still recommend trying to have a state feedback as you can always query google about what devices are on/off, etc.

Excellent - thanks Andrei.
Sorry - I'm new to Node-Red, so didn't think of looking in the config node.
Indeed - most of my nodes do know their state. Just a few that don't.

Hey, thanks for the quick reply.
It all appears to be working now... It had some problems with multiple lights in a single room... might also be because I am using dutch as the language... Anyway... this works now...

I just got started with blinds... and that does not work at all....
The blinds are visible in Google home, but from google home I cannot seam to control them... Just an icon but when clicking the icon... settings page appears.

Also, when speaking the device is never recognized, also not in English.
Blind appear to be a very difficult thing... I tried that with a homebrew siri integration (not node-red) and that did not work for blinds either....

So, any suggestions would be great


Hi - Blinds work for me.
Indeed - The Google Home App just shows an icon; there are no controls under it.
My test: Drag the Nora-Blinds node into your flow and deploy. Wait a few seconds. Node status should be "Connected (100%). Say "close blinds", and the percent number should change to 0%.
May be Google have not implemented Dutch blinds yet.