Node-RED google home integration

I found the Range node does the job - so never mind. But option might be helpful.

I have also the same problem with option "Send msg if state doesn't change ". If I turn on the light by Google, it doesn't send the new message when I ask it again for the same regardless of the checkbox is set or not. Only if I map the statuses it works. Is there anything to try?

The description could be improved for Blinds node - it should be written, that it expects payload object and switch node with following rule should be instantiated on input for conversion from 0...100 to acceptable message. The blind node doesn't report any error in case of wrong format!

Also adding possibility to open/close to certain percentage would be nice.

I have converted my domoticz app to google Home with NORA and it is working wunderfull!!!!!

The only thing I miss is a nora node with selector switch with options
Now I have to create a node per option.
Another wish is a security node with options ArmAway, DisArm and ArmHome

I can delete a lot off code and dummy nodes in node-red when these are available

Can you add my email to test google asistant on nodered? I can't send you private message.

You no longer need to be added to a list to use NORA. Simply install the node via 'Manage palette' then go to the website -

The token allocation is handled at the web-site.

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I'm using the NORA light node with an RGB+WW+CW floodlight. The RGB component is working fine, but I see that the NORA light node doesn't yet support WW+CW.

A voice command "Set the light to Warm white" gives a spectrumHsv object of -

hue: 29.60000038146973
saturation: 0.5882353186607361
value: 1

A voice command "Set the light to Cool white" gives a spectrumHsv object of -

hue: 60
saturation: 0.1599999964237213
value: 0.9803921580314636

This sets the RGB component of the light appropriately, but instead I'd like to use the WW/CW LED's properly. When those values are seen, I'd like to branch off a different path in the flow.

The new path would set warm white and cold white respectively using the Temperature input of the light.

ie. temp(100,2700) or temp(100,6500)

I don't know how to create an argument such that -

If value x = blah and value y = blah, then set output z to blah.

[{"id":"b70c4bd2.1765a8","type":"nora-light","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","devicename":"Alfresco Light","lightcolor":true,"brightnesscontrol":true,"passthru":false,"statepayload":true,"brightnessoverride":"","roomhint":"","name":"","nora":"144e5346.2a487d","topic":"","onvalue":"true","onvalueType":"bool","offvalue":"false","offvalueType":"bool","x":180,"y":120,"wires":[["ed0bb22c.8907c"]]},{"id":"4c3c8dcd.19cdf4","type":"function","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"HSV value","func":"h = msg.payload.color.spectrumHsv.hue;\ns = msg.payload.color.spectrumHsv.saturation*100;\nv = msg.payload.brightness;\n\n\nmsg.payload = \"hsv(\" +h + ',' + s + ',' + v +')';\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":670,"y":100,"wires":[["871a150.1a10de8"]]},{"id":"ed0bb22c.8907c","type":"switch","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"On/Off","property":"payload.on","propertyType":"msg","rules":[{"t":"cont","v":"true","vt":"str"},{"t":"cont","v":"false","vt":"str"}],"checkall":"true","repair":false,"outputs":2,"x":390,"y":120,"wires":[["4c3c8dcd.19cdf4"],["42eb05c8.75e9fc"]]},{"id":"42eb05c8.75e9fc","type":"function","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"Off","func":"msg.payload = \"hsv(0,0,0)\";\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":650,"y":140,"wires":[["871a150.1a10de8"]]},{"id":"871a150.1a10de8","type":"loxone-control-out","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"Alfresco","miniserver":"","control":"12e6cd0f-00c8-1932-ffffd989fb12b87b/AI1","x":1000,"y":120,"wires":[]},{"id":"a4edefdd.49ee4","type":"inject","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"WW - Warm white","topic":"","payload":"temp(100,2700)","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":710,"y":200,"wires":[["871a150.1a10de8"]]},{"id":"1bc3f76f.a41b39","type":"inject","z":"1d039677.88ab9a","name":"CW - Cool white","topic":"","payload":"temp(100,6500)","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":700,"y":260,"wires":[["871a150.1a10de8"]]},{"id":"144e5346.2a487d","type":"nora-config","z":"","name":"nora config","group":"","notify":true}]

would that not be something like

h = msg.payload.color.spectrumHsv.hue;
s = msg.payload.color.spectrumHsv.saturation*100;
v = msg.payload.brightness;

msg.payload = "hsv(" +h + ',' + s + ',' + v +')';

if (h === 29.60000038146973 && s === 0.5882353186607361 && v === 0.9803921580314636)
msg.payload = "temp(100,2700)"
if (h === 60 && s === 0.1599999964237213 && v === 1)
msg.payload = "temp(100,6500)"
return msg;

i would personally round the h, s, v values so you would test against 2 digits(eg 29.60)
h = Math.round(h*100)/100
the same for s and v values

Perfect! Thankyou.

I have a trouble with subflow.
When added nora node to subflow, that nora stops work.
Google Home texts - "Not responding"

Hi Andrei,

I was thinking of maybe extending Nora with another trait. I forked your NORA-service and deployed it to Heroku but it also needs a bunch of heroku environment settings ( eg OAuth/firebase) that are used in the Nora Service. Do you have any further info on what data and/or firebase settings are needed there ?



Could anyone share flow with blind nodes?
Thanks in advance.

Hi guys

I was trying to use Nora in connection with Google Home Mini. Everything went well until one - two weeks ago when Google Home Mini stopped reacting on voice commands. Instead it always responds „Nora is not available“. Restart of GHM doesn‘t help.
The funny story is that at the same time Google Home App on iOS works just fine with NORA devices. Only speaker doesn’t.

What could be the problem? Did someone has this already?

I've been playing with Node-Red and the Nora addition for a while now, linking Google Home with the Harmony Hub. Could not do it directly since HH only supports English.
But going through Node-Red solved this, and as spinoff also gives me access from Domoticz.

One small item I've been struggling with: trying to get a volume control for my amp.
I've set up a switch, linking the output to a command node turning volume up or down.
Works, but the switch changes state with every click. From my smartphone app that is not a problem, since I can simply press the switch several times, with each click volume goes down 1 step.

What I am looking for is (in order):

  1. a "real" volume control (this would be ideal)
  2. a pushbutton switch that does not change state
  3. a toggle switch

Any ideas?

Maybe use a light and use its brightness setting as a way to control the volume ?

There's also the "speaker" node that has a volume property.

Have you tried unlinking and linking back NORA to your Google Home app? Seems like an issue with google home services...

Those are all the settings related to Google Smart Home service. You can get more info reading the Google docs here: LĂ m quen với mĂ´ hĂŹnh tᝍ đám mây sang đám mây  |  Cloud-to-cloud  |  Google Home Developers

Those are all the settings related to Google Smart Home service. You can get more info reading the Google docs here: Premiers pas avec Cloud-to-Cloud  |  Cloud-to-cloud  |  Google Home Developers

Unfortunately the process described there is obsolete. something Google's (in)famous for . :frowning:

Goo idea, but then I have a problem bringing the set level into the amp. The commands available for that device are VolumeUp and VolumeDown. Setting the volume directly to a specific setting is not possible...

You can translate the difference in a set of commands. That's what I do. But I do get the set volume value.
Something like:

while (Math.abs(actualVolume - desiredVolume) > threshold) {
  if (actualVolume < desiredVolume) {
  } else {
  wait(1, 'sec');