Node-RED Node development in Node-RED?


We make VScode available to everyone in the enterprise (>10k people) so that's not really an issue. It is used for many activities as we have lots of different code platforms. One of the benefits for me personally is the built-in, multi-kernel Jupyter notebook support. I don't have to run a Jupyter server which are real pains. And the notebook doesn't have to be Python based, Node.js is supported too as well as several other analytical languages. But, of course, I digress (again!).

I can't imagine that is any different for using EMACS? Devs will be devs after all (I'm an architect these days, not a dev :slight_smile: ). That should be handled by standard linting, testing and CI tooling.

I have tried to put in suggestions in the past. None of those have been taken up I'm afraid. I've also shared example nodes that illustrate some of the techniques for anyone who is interested.

Of course, I would hope that your question isn't suggesting that I don't do stuff for the Node-RED community :slight_smile:. Since I've spent hundreds, if not thousands of personal hours over the last decade helping people on the forum, raising issues, updating documentation, creating supporting documentation, creating example and support nodes and a selection of popular production nodes.

So anyone for whom I might have triggered an interest, they can always get in touch and I'll be happy to help them. And if more people decide that my approaches are helpful to them, perhaps it will become important enough to raise with the core devs.

Actually, currently taking up only 554MB of my 32GB of RAM. A bargain compared to my browser which is currently occupying over 3GB of RAM :exploding_head:

Actually, most of VScode is MIT licensed with only some under a freeware binary license. EMACS is, I believe GPL licensed. If so, it cannot easily be used in UK Govt/NHS and many other enterprises I'm afraid as it would be a restrictive rather than permissive license (noting that I'm not a license expert). Anyway, most of VScode is very open, as such, people tend to get rather irate if spyware is included.

Not at all, each to their own. Perhaps the next Node-RED survey could include a question on what tools people are using to develop with it. That would be quite interesting.


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