A number of years ago (literally) I made the below feature request regarding the Nodemailer config in the email node. Oddly enough for this group I never received a single reply.
After all these years, the issue remains. Any chance of it getting added?
Sure, I'll give it a go under some supervision. Will you be my teacher?
I wasn't sure whether any discussion needed to occur beforehand, so I didn't want to race off and do stuff only to find that that a reject notice had been slapped on me.
push your branch (use the vs code sync button - much easier than the command)
raise a pull request against master
If any of these steps are unfamiliar, just ask
1"something": please stick to the task at hand. It would be wise to discuss your intentions in here before writing lots of code. For example: Are you intending on permiting "options" via the edit form? or via msg? or both? Which ever way you go, try to chose a familiar design pattern established by other nodes that accept options via the msg or node edit form.