I have a Raspbery pi3+ with debian 11. I want to connect with the P1 port of the smartmeter over USB port, so I tried with node-red-contrib-smartmeter package to connect with smartmeter. But it didn't work what so ever. So then I tried to read with node-red-node-serialport Here I can do more settings I thought and see what happens. But all I get here is a connected status when I use /dev/ttyAMA0 or /dev/serial0 But no data from the node whatsoever.
I know my USB to serial cable is OK, because I have a standard smartmeter programm on an sd-card, If I remove sd card with node red, and put this card in, it works very well. So no problem with the cable I would think.
I read many articles about this subject, but none of them gave me a way out of this problem. Maybe @knolleary or @dceejay you guys have one or more hints? Would appreciate that
can you talk to it from the pi without node-red ? eg using picocom or another serial port command line ? Have you got the speed set correctly ? Does it just send data or do you have to send a command first ? If so have you terminated the command correctly (usually "\r" or "\n") ? etc
AMA0 and serial0 are not USB ports.. they usually show up as /dev/ttyUSB0 and so on.
I think my fault was using /dev/ttyAMA0 and /dev/ttyserial0 as they produced a connect status. After restart node-red it is running now.
I also tried node-red-contrib-smartmeter, but this node I didn't get to run, but I am happy node node-red-node-serialport is running, I can work from there.