Node-red-node-serialport not holding custom baud rate

HI all, just a heads up. I'm trying to run my lidar unit from node red, it another piece of kit that has a weird baud rate 230400, it works ok but occasionally the serial port in or out will default back to 57600.
Serial comms issue
Its not a major issue for now as im still playing with what data i will need.
Node V14.18.1
Node Red 2.1.3
npm 6.14.15
raspbian kernel 5.10.63-v7+

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Hi @vikingsraven,
If you would like to test something ... locate and edit the file 25-serial.html
around line 260 - insert a line like
save the file and restart Node-RED. you should now have an option for 230400 baud.
Can you test and let me know if if seems to work reliably ?
If so I'll make it an option in next release.



We have been using 230,400 in industrial applications for more than a year. The serial node works reliably without any problems. So it is safe to add this option.

As a matter of fact, the serial port can go up to 921,600 reliably per our tests in the past half a year. Flow control is recommended for rates more than 230,400.


@davidz , nice one. Yeah had to run a BMS for a project and that ran at 1000000, worked fine till anything else used a serial port then it locked it up.
230400 is solid, just the dropdown and the reverting back to 57600 on the label.

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hi @dceejay ok, did that and its working fine thanks.
only the text box doesn't span in the menu
but yep, its nice and stable thanks

OK - added as an option to v0.15.0


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