I will get some data out of Victron Smart Solar via ve.Direct connector. I have 2 options: with cable on serial connected to usb and with home esp to mqtt.
My question is: What method will use more resources from nodered ? I suspect on serial but i need confirmation.
There will be no significant difference in resources.
If it has wifi then mqtt will be easier.
I was thinking that use of serial will required a buffer connection and a function to transform data from ve.protocol to payload. That maybe goes to more use of ram.
Using MQTT also requires buffers. Either way, the overheads of the comms will not be a large fraction of the total cpu/memory load.
Do not indulge in Premature Optimisation (yes, there is a name for it). Always go for the simplest solution. Virtually always any bottlenecks in the system will not be where you think they may be.
ok. got it. i will use serial, it is just a cable to plug. thank you for reply.