Node-Red Sparkplug B DDATA Messages Failing in Ignition - Troubleshooting Help Needed

I'm experiencing an issue with Sparkplug B implementation in Node-RED. My flow successfully publishes NBIRTH and DBIRTH messages, but Ignition fails to handle the DDATA messages. The error log shows: 'Failed to handle the DDATA message for spBv1.0/DM_Thaha/DDATA/Node_Red/Device_1'. I've verified the message format and sequence numbers. Could anyone suggest potential causes or troubleshooting steps for this DDATA handling failure?

flows(1).json (6.3 KB)

Dum question you are manually injecting and don't have inject on start? if you have you could get ddata before dbirth. But think this is a question for ignition. I can't remember if the SPB node shows the protobuf if not you can subscribe to you topics and get the raw protobuf message that might help when asking ignition. There is a SPB validator but I haven't had time to download and learn how to use.

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