Hello Everyone. I am looking for a way to change the unit of Gauge node of dashboard 2.0 dynamically based on msg.unit. Is this possible?
They are currently implementing dynamic properties for ui gauge:
Dynamic property of gauge released
Thanks to the dev team.
But my gauge is not being updated.
Could you guess why?
// Define Variables
var Flowrate = { payload: null, ui_update: { units: "", max: null } }; // Initialize with ui_update structure
var Volume = {};
var Com_Status = {};
var peripheral_number = {};
if (msg.Device_Name == "0_Main_FlowMeter") { // Check if received data is for this flowmeter
Flowrate.payload = msg.Flowrate; // Assign Flowrate value
Flowrate.ui_update.units = msg.Flowrate_Unit; // Assign Flowrate unit dynamically
Flowrate.ui_update.max = 55; // Set max dynamically
Volume.payload = msg.Volume + ' ' + msg.Volume_Unit; // Assemble volume display
peripheral_number.payload = msg.peripheral_number; // Peripheral number
if (msg.Comm_Error === true) {
Com_Status.payload = msg.Comm_Error; // Pass Com Error signal to display
} else {
Com_Status.payload = false;
Com_Status.topic = "Com Error signal";
// Write data to global variables so SQL write can access them
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_peripheral_number", peripheral_number.payload);
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_Flowrate", Flowrate.payload);
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_Flowrate_Unit", msg.Flowrate_Unit);
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_Volume", msg.Volume);
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_Volume_Unit", msg.Volume_Unit);
global.set(msg.Device_Name + "_Status", !Com_Status.payload);
return [Flowrate, Volume, peripheral_number, Com_Status];
See this...
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