Nodered resets if trying to use Modbus RTU

I´m breaking my head against a wall with this problem. The flows attached have been working for more than a year using RTU server.
Suddenly, last december, RTU stopped working. Thinking it was a hardware problem, I began to use an Elfin EW11a to access my inverter. If I connect with EW11A, not a problem at all.
After changing the RS485-USB converter, still not working. Checked USB ports. All OK.
Even if I use mbpoll, I can communicate with teh inveter. But every time I try it using the flow with RTU server, Nodered start rebooting endlessly. It never connect to the inverter.
Don´t know what more to do.
I would like to attach my flows in order if someone can find what problem hides in them, but new members aren´t allowed..

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"type": "tab",
"label": "Huawei EW11a",
"disabled": false,
"info": ""
"id": "e29c0a21.c96d18",
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"y": 340,
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"rules": [
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"y": 340,
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"name": "Calculo",
"func": "\nif ([0]>0){\n //IMPORTACION DE ENERGIA\n energia_importada=([0][1]);\n energia_excedente=0;\n}\nelse{\n //EXPORTACION DE ENERGIA\n energia_importada=0;\n[1];\n}\nvar excedente={payload:energia_excedente};\nvar importada={payload:energia_importada};\nreturn [excedente,importada];",
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"finalize": "",
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"name": "consumo casa",
"func": "//var Consumo_Casa=0;\n//var signo=parseInt([0]);\n//if (signo==0){\n //estamos exportando\n//[1][1];\n//}\n//else{\n //estamos importando\n//[1][1];\n //[1]\n //[0][1];\n//}\n//var Consumo_C={payload:Consumo_Casa};\n//return [Consumo_C];\n\nvar Consumo_Casa=0;\nvar signo=parseInt([0]);\nif (signo==0){\n //hay producción en paneles o carga en batería\n[1][1][0];\n}\nelse{\n //no hay producción en paneles o la batería está agotada\n[1][0];\n}\nvar Consumo_C={payload:Consumo_Casa};\nreturn [Consumo_C];",
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"finalize": "",
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"topic": "Produccion_FV",
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"x": 210,
"y": 740,
"wires": [

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"type": "debug",
"z": "8f28924.0ff727",
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"x": 520,
"y": 820,
"id": "23511a40.f151d6",
"type": "debug",
"z": "8f28924.0ff727",
"name": "Input 32080",
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"y": 760,
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"type": "function",
"z": "8f28924.0ff727",
"name": "",
"func": "\nvar energia_producida=0;\nvar energia=0;\nenergia_producida=msg.payload[1];\nif (energia_producida>5500){\n energia_producida=0\n}\nelse {\n energia_producida=msg.payload[1];\n}\nenergia={payload:energia_producida}; \n\nreturn [energia];\n\n",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
"initialize": "",
"finalize": "",
"libs": ,
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"z": "8f28924.0ff727",
"name": "Daily Energy Yield_32114_(2)",
"topic": "Dail Energy Yieldy",
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"x": 240,
"y": 120,
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"id": "92bf1d6e5513503f",
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"tcpHost": "",
"tcpPort": "502",
"tcpType": "DEFAULT",
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"reconnectOnTimeout": true,
"reconnectTimeout": "2000",
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"id": "e0001ac3815cacbc",
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"name": "Consumos",
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Welcome to the forum @PakkoB

Stop node red then restart in a command window and copy/paste the full output here, up the time it restarts again. Copy/paste please, not screenshot. Hopefully that will show why it is restarting.

Also tell us what OS you are running on and how you installed node red.

Thxs for your kind reply.
My OS is Raspbian Bulleye 32bit.
I run nodered as a container using portainer.
The log doesn’t show any kind of error, only the usual messages when starting nodered.
It reboots just after showing them.

Show us please. From the welcome to node red message.

That´s all that show in a full reboot:


2023-01-10T20:16:07.052662839Z > node-red-docker@2.2.3 start /usr/src/node-red

2023-01-10T20:16:07.052692079Z > node $NODE_OPTIONS node_modules/node-red/red.js $FLOWS "--userDir" "/data"


2023-01-10T20:16:08.403471122Z 10 Jan 21:16:08 - [info]


2023-01-10T20:16:08.403574399Z Welcome to Node-RED

2023-01-10T20:16:08.403598417Z ===================


2023-01-10T20:16:08.406189712Z 10 Jan 21:16:08 - [info] Node-RED version: v2.2.3

2023-01-10T20:16:08.407056965Z 10 Jan 21:16:08 - [info] Node.js version: v12.22.8

2023-01-10T20:16:08.407644608Z 10 Jan 21:16:08 - [info] Linux 5.10.103-v7l+ arm LE

2023-01-10T20:16:08.945083703Z 10 Jan 21:16:08 - [info] Loading palette nodes

2023-01-10T20:16:11.077623287Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Dashboard version 3.3.1 started at /ui

2023-01-10T20:16:11.116478509Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Settings file : /data/settings.js

2023-01-10T20:16:11.118333828Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Context store : 'default' [module=memory]

2023-01-10T20:16:11.120281572Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] User directory : /data

2023-01-10T20:16:11.120795643Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [warn] Projects disabled : editorTheme.projects.enabled=false

2023-01-10T20:16:11.122674795Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Flows file : /data/flows.json

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154055462Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [warn]


2023-01-10T20:16:11.154182554Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154206517Z Your flow credentials file is encrypted using a system-generated key.


2023-01-10T20:16:11.154272664Z If the system-generated key is lost for any reason, your credentials

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154316812Z file will not be recoverable, you will have to delete it and re-enter

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154341979Z your credentials.


2023-01-10T20:16:11.154404126Z You should set your own key using the 'credentialSecret' option in

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154427811Z your settings file. Node-RED will then re-encrypt your credentials

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154450441Z file using your chosen key the next time you deploy a change.

2023-01-10T20:16:11.154493274Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------


2023-01-10T20:16:11.206773781Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Server now running at

2023-01-10T20:16:11.208925876Z 10 Jan 21:16:11 - [info] Starting flows

2023-01-10T20:16:12.195493722Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [info] Started flows

2023-01-10T20:16:12.250100416Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"15edb2e7.a89c9d","event":"node.inject.receive","timestamp":1673381772249}

2023-01-10T20:16:12.254843657Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"15edb2e7.a89c9d","event":"node.inject.send","msgid":"977dd18790d0009c","timestamp":1673381772254}

2023-01-10T20:16:12.257772394Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"15edb2e7.a89c9d","event":"node.inject.done","msgid":"977dd18790d0009c","timestamp":1673381772257}

2023-01-10T20:16:12.259172421Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"48259aeee3107fd4","event":"node.inject.receive","timestamp":1673381772258}

2023-01-10T20:16:12.259870304Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"48259aeee3107fd4","event":"node.inject.send","msgid":"84c6e565f50bb986","timestamp":1673381772259}

2023-01-10T20:16:12.260504077Z 10 Jan 21:16:12 - [metric] {"level":99,"nodeid":"48259aeee3107fd4","event":"node.inject.done","msgid":"84c6e565f50bb986","timestamp":1673381772260}


When reboot festival starts, the only way to stop it is removing the file flows.json, killing the container and recreate it. After that I import the flows again but running with the Elfin EW11a server.

You said in the title that node-red resets, but now it seems that you mean the machine reboots. Is that correct? If so then look in /var/log/syslog to see why it reboots.

I have no idea what you mean by that.

Sorry, but english is not my first language and it is possible I don´t express clearly.
No, what resets is nodered. The Raspberry keeps working without problem.
What I say about importing the flows and using Elfin EW11a is the workaround I´ve found to keep using the flows to monitor the inverter, because using RTU mode resets nodered.
All the other containers (grafana, influxdb, homeassistant, portainer) run smoothly.
But if I use mbpoll in mode rtu, it can communicate with the inverter. So the problem is in nodered.

OK. If you look at the log you will see that it stops in the middle of a line. That means that node-red did not crash, it was killed by something external to it. Have a look in the system log to see if there is anything there.

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