Notification node in Dashboard2..."Are you sure?"

In DB1 I used a button to send a "Are you sure" payload to notification node which had a Yes/No choice and sent out an appropriate payload. In DB2 this node is simply a dumb message. Is there an easy way to recreate this "are you sure" confirmation.


Still learning vue, but something like this?

[{"id":"173ea41b0ea00884","type":"ui-template","z":"21423082d584a949","group":"","page":"","ui":"","name":"dialog","order":1,"width":0,"height":0,"head":"","format":"<template>\n    <v-btn @click=\"showDialog()\">Hi!</v-btn>\n    <v-dialog v-model=\"dialog\" max-width=\"500px\">\n        <v-card>\n            <v-card-title>click me!</v-card-title>\n            <v-card-actions>\n                <v-spacer></v-spacer>\n                <v-btn @click=\"dialogResponse(true)\">True</v-btn>\n                <v-btn  @click=\"dialogResponse(false)\">False</v-btn>\n                <v-spacer></v-spacer>\n            </v-card-actions>\n        </v-card>\n    </v-dialog>\n</template>\n\n<script>\n    export default {\n        data() {\n            return {\n                dialog: false    \n            }\n        },\n        watch: {\n            dialog(val) {\n                val || this.close()\n                },\n        },\n        computed: {},\n        methods: {\n            dialogResponse (val) {\n                this.send({payload: val})\n                this.dialog = false\n\n            },\n            showDialog() {\n                this.dialog = true\n            }\n        },\n        mounted() {},\n        unmounted() {}\n    }\n</script>\n","storeOutMessages":true,"passthru":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","className":"","x":730,"y":640,"wires":[["edd9df0c75cc51f2"]]},{"id":"edd9df0c75cc51f2","type":"debug","z":"21423082d584a949","name":"debug 462","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"false","statusVal":"","statusType":"auto","x":930,"y":640,"wires":[]}]

But you will need to install version 1.15.0 of the dashboard (released a few hours ago) to get the OK/Cancel feature.

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I'm just starting with db2. Where is ui-notification as it's not on the db2 node list.
I have upgraded to 1.15.0

Still learning ?? Very good. perfect for me thanks

The ui-notification widget has always been there, it is just the confirm feature that has now been added.


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