Notification Shows on Multiple Sessions

it 's ok by checkbox Send to all browser sessions.

I'm facing this issue of one of my Notifications being displayed in all browser windows although the Notification is configured not to:

I have other Notiifcation nodes in the workflow and they behave correctly. The only difference with this one is that its not got an output connected to it like the other do. Any ideas why the Notification is being sent to all browsers?

somewhere in the flow (probably that function just before) the msg.socketid that ties it to the correct session has been removed from the msg.

Ok, saw mention about that in thread, but thought that was related to pre- the new option to disable sending to all browsers. I'll take a look, but not sure offhand why it would be removed just for this one.

depends what that function is doing - if it is creating a new msg for the 3rd port then it won't have the socketid attached.

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Ah, that will be the problem. I was using good practice in multi-output function nodes not to over-write the original msg. I'll take a look at adding socket id to that msg later and let you know. Thx.

Yep, thats fixed it thanks.
My bad for assuming that leaving the option "Send to all browser sessions" unchecked would be sufficient. Should have tried the original solutuion before posting :zipper_mouth_face:

Hi @dceejay ,
OK/Cancel dialog box are getting display to all screen despite unchecking tick box.
is there any workaround to prevent it?


Did you clear the caches and refresh the screens in each browser?

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tried clearing cache and refreshing screen. no luck. getting popup on both screen

Are you sure that the msg.socketid is nowhere removed in your flow? You could check the input messages of your ui node (via Debug node).

Hi @BartButenaers ,
I'm not getting socketid at input of notification node, but getting at output side.
How do i inject socket id from button to notification node?

Yes! you were right!
I've passed msg.socketid to notification flow, now it's working as expected.

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