NR backup and restore flows and nodes


I have to clean install Pi Buster and NR on a pi ,following the docs, the installation went smoothly and all is working good.
I have done a bacup of all files in .nodered folders. I take it to restore the flows I just have to copy & overwrite the two files in the new install:

  1. flows_raspberrypi.json
  2. flows_raspberrypi.json

As I have installed a few extra nodes (using pallette) in my old setup, do I have to clean install all the extra nodes or is there a particular file I can i just copy & overwrite and magically all the extra nodes will be there?


Did anyone ever provide an answer for this one? I too would like to restore my flows after doing a new, clean install. I'd like it to be hands-off, automated. I tried copying "flowsxxxxxx" into .node-red but got warnings about Error loading credentials and other missing things.

How are people doing a flow restoration or migration from one instance to another without manual intervention?


Have a search in the form for my old post on doing backups using bash scripts. Not on my pc right now so can't dig it out myself.

If nothing else, it will show you what needs to be backed up

For the backup you should backup everything in your .node-red folder (or whichever folder is the one with the flows and settings.js etc) except for the node_modules folder.

To install in the new system, restore all of that to the new .node-red folder, cd into that folder and run
npm install
which will install the extra nodes you need, and will take a little while on a low power pi or similar. Then start (or restart) node-red.