Recovering Node Red

My win11 PC recently had a melt down so I have had to reinstall NR. This I have done but my problem now is to recover my flows. I have a backup of the old .node-red folder and I can see .json files in it which appear to be the flows. I have replaced the current .node-red folder with the old one but do not see my flows. Can anyone assist please?

I THINK with what you are describing it is possible.

In the backup folder, do you have a flows_(your name).json file?

In Node-Red, (top right menu) import then select file, point to it and import it.

SHOULD work.

Yes there would (most likely) be problems with missing nodes.
But you will be told their names.

Just install them - ignoring the warnings between doing it - and all should work.


Maybe just move COPY all the files from the backup folder to the new .node-red folder, though you MAY need to check with the filenames if you have changed the user.
I'm not a windows person, so can't be 100% on the file names.

Welcome to the forum @mlgch1

Restore the whole of the .node-red folder except for the node_modules folder. Then in a command window go into the .node-red folder and run
npm install
That will install any additional nodes you were using (based on the contents of package.json).

If it still is not working show us the contents of the .node-red folder and also the command window output when you start node-red (copy/paste please, not screenshot). Then we should be able to work out why it is not picking up the flows file.

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