I have a Raspi 3B which has the 64bit minimal o/s installed and Mosquitto.
There is also an Arduino Mega with an ethernet hat and dmx hat.
There are 10 x Sonoff switches with the Tasmota software installed for remotely powering devices on/off
There are 5 theatre lights with pan, tilt, colour, dimmer etc channels.
These lights are powered up via the Sonoff switches and then dmx commands are issued from NR to the Arduino Mega via ethernet and go out to the theatre lights via the dmx hat.
In the NR dashboard a single button sequentially turns all the 10 Sonoff switches on with a 3 second delay between the on command to each Sonoff.
As the theatre lights take about 20 seconds to initialise, there is a 25 sec delay for each light before I send a pan, small delay then tilt, small delay then colour, small delay then dimmer setting.
Repeat for each light.
A week ago when I wrote the flow, all was working. The lights sequentially turned on, initialised and each went to a pre determined location with colour and brightness.
Now, a week later, they all turn on fine but move the the last position they were in, with last known colour and brightness.
NR has been re-booted, Arduino has been power cycled and I just don't understand why they ignore the flow sequence.
Each light has its own page and all the pan, tilt etc commands work from there so it is not that the dmx has failed.
Is it possible I have too many delay nodes on the page?
Simply, most of the nodes are being ignored.
Is it possible something is buffered somewhere that needs flushing?
I tried moving some nodes so the flow had to be re-deployed.
I'm so confused.
Sorry for no code copied up but there are so many pieces, it seemed easier to identify the parts.
What worked a week ago has decided to not bother anymore.
Any ideas welcomed.