Numeric value and serial communication

Hi all,
I'm quite newbye. I communicate via serial port with Arduino board, using function I am able to send single byte and Arduino works as "actuator" making many functions. Now I need to pass at Arduino a value inserted in my PC interface developed usind ui-dashboard nodes. Could someone advise me which is the best way to implement an easy communcation in order to pass integer values o string between Arduino and node-red?
Thanks in advance.

Hi @Nic,

Sorry I can't quite grasp the last comment

integer values o string between Arduino and node-red?

Do you want to send a string containing numbers, or send numbers represented as bytes?

  • As a string, send as is "12334456"
  • As a collection of bytes

Lets assume a 32bit Integer

const num = 123456;
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(4); /* 4 bytes in a 32bit integer */
buffer.writeInt32BE(num, 0);    /* Big Endian */
//buffer.writeInt32LE(num, 0);  /* Little Endian */

msg.payload = buffer
return msg;

As for reading back integers passed to you as a byte array:

const int32 = msg.payload.readInt32BE(0); // Big Endian

For the 'easy way' - I do recommend however, looking at this node by our own @Steve-Mcl

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I suspect the better solution is to always send and receive JSON. That way you can add meta data and perform different operations depending on the meta info.


Hi, thanks for your advises. Finally I set the fw on arduino side in order to have something like a "metadata" where I include strings and integers. Working with the "string node" on node-red side I can divide the data in every part I need.
Thank you for the support.

That is really not necessary & you are really re-inventing a perfectly good wheel that almost all of the JavaScript community already use - it is called JavaScript Object Notation (or JSON for short).

There are LOTS (and lots and lots) of reasons to go with a well established data interchange format (which JSON is) but the most important reasons are:

  • It is highly extensible (future changes to your data will NOT break your project)
  • It is literally built into JavaScript (JSON.parse / JSON.stringify) and built into Node-RED (the JSON node)
  • It already exists and it works well
  • Almost EVERY programmer knows exactly how to work with it (as opposed to some custom formatted string you invent)
  • etc
  • etc

Steve, you are right but what you don't know is that I'm not able to work with JavaScript :wink:

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