I have a flow that works as it should, however sometimes the motion detector doesn't detect...
The motion detector is an Eve motion sensor that then triggers a NR homekit switch, which then triggers the flow. I am thinking about adding a second motion sensor to the room. Haven't done it yet, just a concept so far so I'm trying to figure out how to integrate it into the flow.
What I'm thinking so far is to have the second motion sensor actuate a second dummy switch...
So would it be as easy, using the flow, as having both switches flow into the same series?
Am I making sense? Should I just wait until I purchase the sensor to try it out?
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"commandType": "msg",
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"name": "Bright",
"func": "msg = {\n payload: {\n \"state\": \"ON\",\n \"brightness\": 254,\n \"color_temp\": global.get('colorTemp'),\n \"transition\": 2\n }\n};\nreturn msg;",
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"finalize": "",
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"z": "68bdf802.773ca8",
"name": "Low",
"func": "msg = {\n payload: {\n \"state\": \"ON\",\n \"brightness\": 82,\n \"color_temp\": global.get('colorTemp'),\n \"transition\": 2\n }\n};\nreturn msg;",
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"finalize": "",
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"func": "msg = {\n payload: {\n \"state\": \"ON\",\n \"brightness\": 167,\n \"color_temp\": global.get('colorTemp'),\n \"transition\": 2\n }\n};\nreturn msg;",
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