Old version node-red-contrib-opcua vs new?

I have an old version of Node-red on a raspberry pi running this node, I had the microSD card fail, so I put the latest version of Node-Red/ node-red-contrib-opcua and it doesn't work. I ended up reinstalling from an old ISO to get it working again. Anyone have any idea why the old would work and new not? Thanks.

Too little info to help.

To understand what is going on, we would need to know what your old operating system was and what your new operating system is. What node versions were used? What node-red versions. And finally any errors or logs from the new installation.

Node-red 0.18.3, node-red-contrib-opcua 0.2.22, Raspberry Pi reference 2017-11-29
Generated using pi-gen, GitHub - RPi-Distro/pi-gen: Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images, b71bf3179310aadf9aaf2ffcdf094a88e488dce8, stage5 for the old

node-red 4.0.3, node-red-contrib-opcua 0.2.339, Raspberry Pi reference 2024-07-04
Generated using pi-gen, GitHub - RPi-Distro/pi-gen: Tool used to create the official Raspberry Pi OS images, 48efb5fc5485fafdc9de8ad481eb5c09e1182656, stage4

It does not give any errors, it just says something about the user is anonymous, won't stay subscribed and there is no output. The PI and OPC server are remote from me and are offline for the weekend, I can look on Monday for any error logs (unless you think there is a log I can access now?)

The center output of the OPC UA Client node is outputting "Undefined". When it first connects, I get error "userIdentity is ANONYMOUS". I don't have any issues with the older version.

Just wondering if the OPC server is just out of date, the system it runs on is 5 or 6 years old?