Olimex PIC-WEB Board

Has anyone done any Node-red projects using the Olimex pic-web board. The MCU is a pic 18F67J60 a very powerful device. I did a Node-Red project with raspberry Pi for my one of my ham radios. So I have some experience but not enough.
Any help appreciated

Do you mean you want to run node red on the PIC? Is that not an 8 bit micro controller? If so I would have thought it unlikely to run node red? Can you install node.js on it?

Yes it is an 8 bit MCU. No I have not tried anything yet other than experiments with the apps that are included on the PIC-WEB board. I thought I would see if anyone has done anything with these boards before I get started.

If you can install node.js on it then you have a chance of getting node red working.

Although not in the MicroChip PIC series, I've created all sorts of projects with the ESP32-S2-Mini and ESP32-C3-Super-Mini which are low-cost, powerful 32-bit microcontrollers with WiFi.
Using MQTT you can use them as a slave and interface them to Node-RED so very easily.

Thanks for the response dynamicdave
I just purchased an ESP32 starter kit by Lafvin I will keep exploring so I can learn to use Node-Red without the Arduino Ide.

Thanks for the feedback - Check this posting out...

I'll write a tutorial when I have some spare time and post it on 'Share Your Projects'.