One-button garage - help

When you press the remote control (and it opens or closes the door) does it send a signal to Node-RED?

Hey David,
Sorry for the delay! Was on vacation...
My garage door is a bit different. Sometimes it will reverse its direction of travel (like yours), but sometimes it will continue in the same direction of travel.
Haven't figured out yet the logic of my garage door opener...
If I will ever be retired, I will be sitting a hole day on a chair in my garage to figure this out :wink:

Well if you like, as I am retired, I'll sit a whole day on a chair and see if my door ever continues in the same direction of travel after being stopped. i.e. I'll check to see if my door sometimes works like yours.


I can only read the status of the garage with the sensor which I also use for the alarm system. closed contact = closed garage.
I'm thinking of using an algorithm that checks the status of the sensor by pressing the button.

If closed, a button action opens.
If open in any position, a button button action must be repeated if after 10 seconds the sensor does not read the garage closed status. If after a further time from the command the sensor does not read the closed state, it signals an anomaly.

Hi, David
I thought about this flow, where:

  • Click is the input, Command button from NodeRed
  • Sensor Bot is the sensor of Wemos Tasmota [stat / TESTLED / POWER1 = OFF led off = closed contact = closed garage]
  • Output for Wemos Tasmota motor card command [stat / TESTLED / POWER2 = ON led lit 2 sec - at motor command]

The garage takes 20 seconds to complete the race.
Operation involves opening if the garage is completely closed (Sensor Bot = 0)
From another state the garage must close, so with a click + another click if the Sensor Bot does not read 0 within 20 seconds.
Do you think it is feasible?
If yes can you give me a hand?
Thank you

I installed one of these for my neighbor who's not too technical and it's been working well.

If I may suggest to use an IR LED to detect the closing of the door versus micro/magnetic switches. The breaking of the light would stop the door from closing just in case a pet/kid/ball/etc. gets in the way.

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