OPCU UA Server on Alpine-linux

The last couple og weeks I've had a fight with Node Red and so far I'm the one loosing.

I'm trying to set up OPC ua server in NR with no luck on Alpine-linux.

Installations runs fine but when I try the sample flow i get an error. This seems to happen both with both node-red-contrib-opcua-server-refresh and ode-red-contrib-opcua-server.

Running on vm (alpine) ==> fails.
Running on docker (nodered/node-red) ==>fails.

Running on vm (ubuntu) ==> works just fine


Can someone please help

Maybe try node-red-contrib-opcua. It has a server node too (and built in examples available via CTRL+I)

Thank you for your response.

There are very litle documentation on this servernode. I'm going to add about 650 items to the opc server, some of them with update every second.

I don't see how opcua_server_node can do sunch task

Kind regards


I just found that the private certificate is not created during installation of the node.

Does anyone know why or how to create a new one?