Sorry I am a bit ..... vulnerable/sensitive just now. I am not quite getting that.
I hope that there is a bit of taking the piss in that.
(Being in Oz, that is common place, but sometimes I am not sure which way it is meant.)
The background
{"_msgid":"1f269dc0.b67e62","payload":{"id":520,"weather":"Rain","detail":"light intensity shower rain","icon":"09d","tempk":290.29,"tempc":17.1,"temp_maxc":18.3,"temp_minc":16.1,"humidity":82,"pressure":1014,"maxtemp":291.48,"mintemp":289.26,"windspeed":9.8,"winddirection":210,"location":"Ashfield","sunrise":1604170498,"sunset":1604218982,"clouds":75,"description":"The weather in Ashfield at coordinates: -33.89, 151.13 is Rain (light intensity shower rain)."},"topic":"","icon":"<i class=\"fa fa-refresh fa-spin\"></i>","background":"#333333","font":"red","location":{"lon":151.13,"lat":-33.89,"city":"Ashfield","country":"AU"},"data":{"coord":{"lon":151.13,"lat":-33.89},"weather":[{"id":520,"main":"Rain","description":"light intensity shower rain","icon":"09d"}],"base":"stations","main":{"temp":290.29,"feels_like":284.71,"temp_min":289.26,"temp_max":291.48,"pressure":1014,"humidity":82},"visibility":10000,"wind":{"speed":9.8,"deg":210},"rain":{"1h":0.13},"clouds":{"all":75},"dt":1604182832,"sys":{"type":1,"id":9600,"country":"AU","sunrise":1604170498,"sunset":1604218982},"timezone":39600,"id":7839683,"name":"Ashfield","cod":200},"time":"2020-10-31T22:20:32.000Z","title":"Current Weather Information","description":"Current weather information at coordinates: -33.89, 151.13"}
The icon being chopped off at the top.
Yes, I agree, and yet that is what I get.
AFAIK, I am not cropping it or cutting it down in anyway. But I am overwhelmed with all the variables in it and so although it may be cropped: at this point that is (I believe) a cosmetic thing more than a mechanical/practical thing.
Does that make sense? (Probably not)
The larger group was found by chance as I was researching the icon set and how to use them.
Though it could be argued that these are too many for which to choose - and I do partly agree - I am taking this on to (I hope) help me learn how to build structures to parse messages and create an output from that.
So though I could cheat and use them as you suggested with the prefix to create the name as per what you said. The small difference between day and night is ...... tempting.
So I thought I would use them.
I am not stuck with how to create a vendiagram of how the icons relate to one another and the output of the node.
Overcast, partly cloudy, scattered clouds.
Windy, gusty.
Rain, showers, sprinkle, thunderstorm.
Rain with wind.
And so on.
I don't know why I want to do this. (Self punishment? Self torment?) Dunno.
But some part of me seems to like the challenge. Though it could be argued that I am not really doing anything because I am (seemingly) constantly asking for help.
But that's a whole other can of worms.
I'd better shut up now. I think I am digging a bigger hole than it needs to me.