I have small issue, and i have no idea how to solve that
I bring some value's together via MQTT put them in a file.
I like to manipulate the order how they are placed in the file, but how to do this
This is the join output
debug value
/solo/threshold-clear : msg.payload : string[81]
Heater. : 0 mySQM. : 0 SkyTemp. : -16.43 Temp. : 5.84 ClearThres.: -18
But like to have it for example like
ClearThres.: -18 SkyTemp. : -16.43 Temp. : 5.84 mySQM. : 0 Heater. : 0
Ore some other order
I hope some can help me
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"type": "comment",
"z": "ebcb66b4.4be2f8",
"name": "Verbeteringen ",
"info": " - Heater act on MQTT\n Humidity\n Temperatuur\n Dewpoint\n Rain (Uur naar regen is koppel nog nat)",
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"z": "ebcb66b4.4be2f8",
"name": "active Relay for heater",
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"name": "Night terms explained",
"info": "** Dawn**; the first appearance of light in the sky before sun rise\n**Twilight**; The soft glow of light from the sky whne the sun is below the horizon, caused by the refelection of the suns rays from the atmosfeer\n**dusk**; the darker stage of twilight\n** night** is periode\n** sunrise ** is the start of the day - sun at horizon\n** sunset ** is the end of the day - sun at horizon\nhttps://www.timeanddate.com/astronomy/civil-twilight.html\n",
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