I've read a few posts about playing MP3 files and that browsers are blocking sounds.
Taking that on, I decided to try another way but still to no avail.
NR 0.20.5
Putting aside the nodes to play sounds, I decided to do it old school and opened a shell and entered the command:
play (path to MP3 file)
and it plays/I hear the sound.
So, if I put it in a flow:
[{"id":"badf7b6a.fcb05","type":"exec","z":"9245b569.9f881","command":"play /home/me/Music/DontTouchTheButton.mp3","addpay":false,"append":"","useSpawn":"false","timer":"","oldrc":false,"name":"","x":660,"y":2310,"wires":[[],[],[]]},{"id":"95671573.d5767","type":"inject","z":"9245b569.9f881","name":"","topic":"","payload":"/home/me/Music/DontTouchTheButton.mp3","payloadType":"str","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":210,"y":2310,"wires":[["badf7b6a.fcb05"]]}]
Press the button and nothing is heard.
This way would/should get around the browser blocking sounds being played, and if I do it from a terminal, it works.