The normal method when having an idea for an enhancement to core nodes is to talk about it first and get agreement that its a good idea before issuing a PR
it's not crazy - it's one of the main tenets of Node-RED - nodes should do their thing and do it well - moving properties around is the function of the change node - reading files is the function of the file node.
There is certainly no need to include all types - don't need boolean, number, buffer, etc.
Does this also apply to the file out node ? Note: there is a performance penalty if you use anything other than a fixed value as it has to close the file every write - just in case the next filename value is different.
Note I didn't say no ... just need to think about it a bit first (as we are doing)...
so yes - default must be string - and if that is blank it must still look for msg.filename (as now).
Will also need tests added to test/nodes/core/storage/10-file_spec.js to exercise new functionallity.
Sorry for the wrord 'crazy"... I m a frog legs eater, and i m not confortable in English...
Then if you forgive me, i understand very well the atomic philosophy of a node, but i think typed input are for this probleme (easily retrieve object attach on msg)
Yep, all type are not necessary and you listed those i used. Default type are str, for compatibilty and if field is blank we look on msg.filename. Change made on both node.
In fact there 2 lines change in .js, would you like that i copy here the lines ?