Hi all,
i am using the module "node-red-node-pilcd"
[node-red-node-pilcd (node) - Node-RED]
which does not work. Under the node in the flow chart is a gray rectangle and the text "not available". Sending any text has no effect. The node needs a python library "RPi.GPIO python" >= 0.5.8. to work. My version is 0.7.1. Also, i can use the display with Python, using the code below. This means, the Python side should be all right (?)
My problem is that i am complete Newbie. I set log level to "debug" in settings.js, but see nothing. How can i debug what happens in the node?
Python code working:
import time
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from RPLCD.gpio import CharLCD
lcd = CharLCD(pin_rs=11, pin_rw=None, pin_e=13, pins_data=[29, 31, 33, 35],
numbering_mode=GPIO.BOARD,cols=16,rows=2, dotsize=8,
lcd.write_string('Hello world! my Friend')
What do you have connected to the input of the node? And what to the output? Add a debug node (set to display the complete msg) to the output of the function node
Add a status node and connect it to a debug node (displaying the complete msg) to see if it outputs anything.
Sorry, i forgot this.
I am using a Raspberry Pi 4 B with 4 GB RAM, Raspbian 12
Node red Version 3.1.9, Python 3.11
I did an apt-get upgrade a few days ago, so it should all be the latest versions.
For node.js: I did not find a startup log. I am getting mad with the logging in general because all google hits seem to be deprecated.
So i tried (to see something like "already version xy installed")
ks@raspi4:~ $ npm install node-js
added 65 packages in 11s
12 packages are looking for funding
run `npm fund` for details
which says that i didn't have node.js before? (LCD still not working)
RPi.GPIO: Version 0.7.1
When i don't get further, i will try to only use one (any) GPIO Pin from NodeRed