I (have to ) build a public display showing some data from different Solar Power plants. Getting the Data from a shitload of different inverters models and collect them over mqtt is the easy part ...
Now building a nice looking, lightweight Dashboard is not my best developed skill xD
With the uibuilder, it is fortunately easy to shovel the data to a html page. I dont use a framework, just a small html file with css. This works smoothly.
My concern is, If the page is shown over an extended period of time, something goes wrong. The browser eats to much RAM, the websocket connection fail, the node-red service eats to much RAM...
Does anyone has experience with these public dashboard, or long running uibuilder dashboards? Are there any pitfalls?
Hi, in terms of uibuilder, there shouldn't be any issues with long-term display. To the best of my knowledge, there are no memory leaks and the client library is actually quite small.
In terms of the comms between the browser and node-red, uibuilder uses an automatic retry so if the websocket fails for some reason such as restarting node-red, or a network issue of some kind, the client will automatically connect when it can. Similarly, if the client itself goes to sleep (which I wouldn't expect in your case - but still), it will reconnect automatically when it wakes up.
So I would expect everything to be fine. I regularly leave some quite complex web pages open for months at a time. And if you do find anything, I'm generally around to help.