Node-red and MQTT is really taking over here these days, I've now got eight IOT devices (Raspberry Pi, PiZeroW, and Beaglebone MQTT broker) running, and node-red has saved me a ton of development time and effort. I'm a believer!
I have a question about multiple tabs on flow. Mostly I do only one tab in a flow on a single device, but for my AI enhanced security cameras I've an "interface" flow on one tab and a "notification" flow on a second, because the notification flow gets reused for each device since it doesn't change while the interface flow is pretty different for the different types of cameras.
I recently made a change that would want to pass data between the two tabs. I took the easy way out and and just duplicated the two MQTT subscribers that get the data and all seems to be working well.
I know nodejs is heavily threaded (such that you need to take precautions to insure sequential program execution) so I assume this applies to node-red. Are separate tabs run in separate threads?
What is the "best" way to pass data among flows on different tabs?
I've noticed export to clipboard offers three choices entire flow (all tabs) current tab, and selected nodes whereas export to library seems to only offer selected nodes which for me is a generally single tab after doing "select all" in the active tab. This seems the "right way" for saving/extracting subflows or a "resuable" tab like my notification flow, but for backing up the entire current flow before I start making changes it becomes a multi-step process to make a local backup copy.