I want to develop a flow which monitors a motion sensor in my Habitat. I've tried using the device and events nodes without success. I get payload information when I send a active command to the device using the device node but if the motion sensor changes within Habitat, I do not get any info from the NR nodes. Am I using the correct nodes? If so, any idea why I'm not getting and info from HE to NR?
I'm able to do this successfully with hue and ring motion sensors, but not with ring camera motion alerts. What motion sensors are you using? Can you post your flow for me to compare to mine? Then, I'll see if I can spot the issue.
I haven't developed my flow yet. I was testing using a virtual motion sensor in HE. The virtual sensor in HE shows active when I pass a command from NR. But the sensor in HE is set to automatically reset to inactive after 1 minute. It does change in HE, but I never get a response in NR so am unable to take any action when the sensor goes back to inactive.