Range node confusion

I am trying to get my head around the difference between "limit to" and "wrap within".
They sound very similar. What is the difference ?

And a request; the pulldown menu talks about "target range", while the fields talk about "result range", could these be aligned ?

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"Limit" means that scaled values above the max will always return the max value -- scaled values below the min return the min value.

"Wrap" is similar to a modulo operation -- a value of 14 and a range of 0-10 should result in the output being 4. So when the output exceeds the max, it wraps around to the min value.


we can look to improve the info also.

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"Wrap" is similar to a modulo operation -- a value of 14 and a range of 0-10 should result in the output being 4. So when the output exceeds the max, it wraps around to the min value.

Ok i have to "wrap" my head around this one :wink:

For example an input 0 - 10 mapped to 0 - 100.

mode input output
scale 12 120
limit 12 100
wrap 12 20
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TBH, I'm struggling a bit trying to think of a good use for the "wrap" mode...
so if there's a simple use case, that would also be a nice addition to the info tab.

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I need to wrap a 24 hour clock into a 12 hour clock.