Ras Pi supply voltage

Based on feedback from @mikeS7, I have added a new section to the readme. It explains how to use this node when Node-RED runs in a Docker container on a Raspberry.

To accomplish this request, I had to change the internal command I use from vcgencmd ... to the full path /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd ....

Seems still to be working fine on my Raspberry (without Docker), which is rather normal since:

  1. When I execute which vcgencmd I get /usr/bin/vcgencmd.
  2. When I execute ls /usr/bin/vcgencmd -ltr I get lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Apr 7 2017 /usr/bin/vcgencmd -> /opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd.

But just to make sure: could I cause perhaps other problems using the full path?
If nobody sees a problem, I will publish the first version on NPM tomorrow...

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Still working fine here!
Raspberry Pi 3B+

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It should be fine until the day the raspbian folk decide to move it somewhere else.

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In the docker install does /usr/bin/vcgencmd exist?

I have it running nicely on 3 RPIs.

All good here.
Though I am only on 1.0.0

V1.0.0 is the current and only version at this time.

Hi @Colin,
I don't use Docker myself, so I don't have an idea. But I suppose not, otherwise it would have been sufficient to mount the /opt/vc/ā€¦ folders into the Docker container.

Just got a confirmation from the requester, that it works now on Docker.
I will publish version 1.0.0 on NPM, and we can always fix things afterwards if necessary.

Thanks to you all for the feedback and test work !!!

I have published it on NPM more than ten hours ago. It is there, but not on flows.nodered.org. Think my package.json file is ok:

 "keywords": [

The weird thing is that I won't be found either when I search on it, using the searchbar in npmjs.com.
Anybody has any ideas. This is the first time that I have this issue ...

Try bumping the version & re-publishing??

Version 1.0.1 published, and can find it on npm via I can find it via my username:


But again cannot find it again via the NPM search bar:


Saw that the title on the readme page still contained the original node name (node-red-contrib-pi-vcgencmd), so I removed the '-pi' part and published version 1.0.2 (about an hour ago). Command was successfull:

And I got a confirmation mail:


But the version on npm stays 1.0.1 and the readme file hasn't changed:

Will try again this evening...

I've never published a node from the remote repo...
I usually cd into my local repo and just type npm publish.

Hi Paul,
Meanwhile the 0.0.2 version is available on NPM, but nothing on flows.nodered.org. And I still can't find it via the npm search box, which is perhaps the reason why it doesn't become available on flows.nodered.org? I'm using the same procedure as I always use... :woozy_face:

Just found these post in the npm forum, one of which took 2 days to be indexed... maybe it will just appear in time.
...and yes, if it's not indexed by npms.io then it also won't be indexed by node-RED library.

Ok then I will have to be patient, although that functionality isn't programmed in my DNA ā€¦ Thanks !

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Exactly. We search npm to find modules with the node-red keyword. If they don't appear in the search results, we don't know about it.

If we manually add something to the flow library, it will get removed overnight when our job runs that looks for modules that have been removed from npm (or republished without the node-red keyword).

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Yes Paul, just saw that it finally appears in the NPM search index:


And as a result, it is now also available in the Node-RED catalog:


So I will remember that it is a matter of having patience next time ...

Doesn't normally take that long to get into the npm index. You must have caught them at a bad time. The flows index can take up to an hour but occasionally has a hiccup.

at the risk of repeating ourselves...
we (Node-RED) can take up to an hour to re-index as we loop around.
BUT if NPM have an issue and don't index it then WE won't see it to add it... Nothing our indexer can do about it.
How long they are failing to index is their problem which WE can't do anything about.

And to be overly specific... the cronjob runs at 13 minutes past each hour.