RaspiCam with LED Lighting and Pan & Tilt

I finally added the latest touch to my PiCam setup... keyboard control. Specifically the arrow keys on the keyboard (thanks to some posted code from @Steve-Mcl ) that I was able to add to the adjustment of both pan and tilt.

It is a bit of a spiderweb but it works.

The camera can be adjusted via the sliders, the buttons or the arrow keys on the keyboard (of the PC running the dashboard)

The trigger buttons disable after initial press of CLICK ME until camera has had time to snap the shot, then emailing is an option.

And additional white or IR lighting can be used as needed.

The hardware:

  • RPi 3B
  • Raspberry Pi Camera NoIR (AKA IR filter removed)
  • Standard servos and P&T framework
  • PCA9685 i2c board for the servo control
  • BrightPi LED light to supply the white or IR lighting

The flow:

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