Reacting to UI configuration node changes - solved

Hi all,

I finally got around to fixing an issue that I posted about some time ago. Reacting to central config node change

The issue was when a "regular" node from a collection is opened up and then the common config node is opened from there. I wanted to be able to make changes in the config node that would be seen by the regular node right after closing the config. The simple answer was to use the event for node changes but instead of putting the listener on the config node, I put it in the regular node.

Sow when the event fires, I check to make sure it's the relevant config node, make sure it's "dirty", and then use the updated config data to repopulate selectors. This way, the regular node does not have to be closed and reopened to pick up changes.

The problem before was that I was putting the listener on the config node itself. My guess is that listener gets destroyed when the config is closed and that's where the event data was getting lost.

Hopefully this helps somebody.


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