I have been at this for a solid 7-9 hours, so will try and keep it brief....
The big picture.
I have a 27.3 Mb JSON formatted file that I need to take each key and its data and insert into a MySQL database.
The data roughly looks like this;
"000005": {
"r": "5N-BXF",
"t": "E145",
"f": "00",
"d": "Embraer ERJ-145-LR"
"001000": {
"r": "5B-CLD",
"t": "SIRA",
"f": "00",
"d": "P.2002 Sierra JF"
The database is pretty clean and simple. (I think).
I have a small test file that I use to prove out the flow (but does not cause Node-RED to crash with the memory error).
You can see it here;
My platform is a Windows 10 PC (32gig RAM and 1T SSD).
I am currently on Node-RED v 1.0.6 and Node v10.16.3
Things that I have tried.
I have, as per @knolleary's post here; Reading file line by line - #3 by knolleary Set the file node to output line by line and then use the delay node in rate limit mode to try and slow things down in order to give the garbage collector time to work. Unfortunately for unknown reasons the rate limit does not work and the file is simply read and processed as fast as the flow can manage.
I have also tried using the bigfile node, tested many different combinations of its file chunking etc, all result in the same crash.
I have also tried running with different values of --max-old-space-size=8192
and there is no difference in the results.
I have also tried to break the inserts down into batches.
The flow is a lot more complicated and made zero difference to the crash occurrence.
The crash.
The error Node-RED throws in the same error consistently.
<--- JS stacktrace --->
==== JS stack trace =========================================
0: ExitFrame [pc: 000002597555C5C1]
Security context: 0x01660249e6e9 <JSObject>
1: /* anonymous */ [000002194C5ECA39] [C:\Users\bmorc\.node-red\node_modules\node-red-node-mysql\68-mysql.js:~123] [pc=0000025975C2597E](this=0x02194c5db921 <MysqlDBNodeIn map = 0000022D78CBD561>,msg=0x0390de838d79 <Object map = 00000135EC82D231>)
2: arguments adaptor frame: 3->1
3: /* anonymous */ [000000A816A746B9] [C:\Users\bmorc\AppData\Roa...
FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
My current flow.
Here is the flow as it currently stands.
No debug nodes in the screenshot or exported flow, but I can assure you I have extensively used them to prove out that the data is not getting mangled at any point.
Also I ensure that the debug nodes are turned off when I test the large file other wise the debug tab and terminal that Node-RED is running in just floods with (pointless) messages.
[{"id":"b3b3c39c.49d608","type":"inject","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":260,"y":1360,"wires":[["86f6856c.6f4748"]]},{"id":"86f6856c.6f4748","type":"file in","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"actest.json","filename":"C:\\Users\\bmorc\\Downloads\\indexedDB\\actest.json","format":"lines","chunk":false,"sendError":false,"encoding":"none","x":480,"y":1360,"wires":[["8643c120.7fe9f8"]]},{"id":"50a19f4.81926e","type":"split","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"","splt":"},","spltType":"str","arraySplt":1,"arraySpltType":"len","stream":false,"addname":"","x":870,"y":1360,"wires":[["62b2d893.f7f2a"]]},{"id":"d93a7d81.e4dc88","type":"change","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"remove unassigned","rules":[{"t":"change","p":"payload","pt":"msg","from":":{\"r\":","fromt":"str","to":"","tot":"str"},{"t":"change","p":"payload","pt":"msg","from":",\"t\":","fromt":"str","to":"","tot":"str"},{"t":"change","p":"payload","pt":"msg","from":",\"f\":","fromt":"str","to":"","tot":"str"},{"t":"change","p":"payload","pt":"msg","from":",\"d\":","fromt":"str","to":"","tot":"str"}],"action":"","property":"","from":"","to":"","reg":false,"x":1230,"y":1360,"wires":[["4f016729.34ad2"]]},{"id":"62b2d893.f7f2a","type":"function","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"get colums","func":"msg.icao = \"\";\n //skip = msg.payload.indexOf('\"');\n start = msg.payload.indexOf('\"')+1;\n end = msg.payload.indexOf('\"' ,start);\n icao = msg.payload.substring(start,end);\n msg.icao = icao;\nmsg.reg = \"\";\n skip = msg.payload.indexOf('r');\n start = msg.payload.indexOf(':', skip)+2;\n end = msg.payload.indexOf('\"' ,start);\n reg = msg.payload.substring(start,end);\n msg.reg = reg;\nmsg.type = \"\";\n skip = msg.payload.indexOf('t');\n start = msg.payload.indexOf(':', skip)+2;\n end = msg.payload.indexOf('\"' ,start);\n type = msg.payload.substring(start,end);\n msg.type = type;\nmsg.interest = \"\";\n skip = msg.payload.indexOf('f');\n start = msg.payload.indexOf(':', skip)+2;\n end = msg.payload.indexOf('\"' ,start);\n interest = msg.payload.substring(start,end);\n msg.interest = interest;\nmsg.dist = \"\";\n skip = msg.payload.indexOf('d');\n start = msg.payload.indexOf(':', skip)+2;\n end = msg.payload.indexOf('\"' ,start);\n dist = msg.payload.substring(start,end);\n msg.dist = dist;\n\nreturn msg;\n","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":1030,"y":1360,"wires":[["d93a7d81.e4dc88"]]},{"id":"5080b340.b5f364","type":"mysql","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","mydb":"69b2048c.dfd654","name":"aircraft","x":1630,"y":1360,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"4f016729.34ad2","type":"function","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"airframes to mysql","func":"msg.topic = \"INSERT INTO airframes ( icao ,reg, type, interest, description) VALUES('\"+ msg.icao +\"','\"+ msg.reg +\"','\"+ msg.type +\"','\"+ msg.interest +\"','\"+ msg.dist +\"')\";\n\nreturn msg;","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":1450,"y":1360,"wires":[["5080b340.b5f364"]]},{"id":"8643c120.7fe9f8","type":"delay","z":"9d3a3718.5bab6","name":"","pauseType":"rate","timeout":"1","timeoutUnits":"seconds","rate":"1","nbRateUnits":"1","rateUnits":"second","randomFirst":"1","randomLast":"5","randomUnits":"seconds","drop":false,"x":710,"y":1360,"wires":[["50a19f4.81926e"]]},{"id":"69b2048c.dfd654","type":"MySQLdatabase","z":"","name":"","host":"","port":"3306","db":"aircraft","tz":""}]
Your time to review and offer suggestions is gratefully appreciated.