[Reference] Optimising Node-RED

A 2-edged sword I'm afraid. Whist it prevents SWAP from being used, it also takes away a safety net for memory use. It will keep your system faster but things may fall over more often. My preference is to keep SWAP but notify if it is being used excessively.

I think you are referring to moving the SWAP storage to RAM? Again, this is a 2-edged sword in that you will be making your memory problems worse by using more of it. It would be better to disable swap.

There are other things you could move to RAM such as tmp storage and logs. However, it is unlikely that either will really improve throughput if you are memory constrained. They will speed up access to tmp storage if that is something you need to do a lot which may help in some use cases.

Moving logs to RAM storage only really helps reduce wear on SD-Cards, it doesn't really help system performance unless you are pushing CPU and I/O to the max. And of course, that has the disadvantage that your logs disappear whenever you reboot the system (or it crashes).

The real trick to managing limited system resources is to keep things in balance.