Resetting the default debug node name

This is really not that important, but my debug notes were at around 50 so when I created a new debug node it was named "debug 55" or whatever

I coped someone's very helpful flow from here, and it must have bought in their number on the debug node, so now new debug nodes are numbered "debug 2576" onwards

Is there any way to reset this!?

As I say, it's not the end of the world just a little thing that's irking me!

Hi @vaderag

The code currently uses the largest number it finds plus one. No way to reset it other than renaming your highly numbered nodes to something lower.

I agree that isn't idea behaviour. Perhaps it would be better to find the first 'gap' in the numbering.

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That'll work for me - if renaming does the trick then that's a couple of minutes job :slight_smile:

this was discussed here

I can make this improvement :upside_down_face:


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