following the shortage of Rpi I wanted to test the RockPI.I did all the installations of Debian and NR.
I want to use the mcp23017-chip node (working perfectly on RPI) but it doesn't work on the RockPI.
However I chose 0x22 or 21 as it tells me in the command "sudo mraa-i2c detect 0"
avez vous deja essayer de faire cela ou faire fonctionner NR sur Rockpi ?
The kernel of rockpi os (neither 4.4 nor 5.15) has not
The mcp23017 driver (aka gpio-mcp23s08 for 4.4, pinctrl-mcp23s08 for 5.10) included neither built-in nor as a loadable module.
If you try to recompile your kernel including this driver and load the module at boot you Will find the device /sys/class/gpio/gpiochip496 ....but After this, i m experiencing a lot of instability of the the board (a rockpi 4 se) that Is freezing randomly After almost a day of Activity.
IMHO Rockpi has a long Road ahead (mainly on the documentation) to be compared with the loved RPi