S7 2 integers to Dint


I'm trying to understand how S7 node reads variables.
I read 2 signed integers and try to merge them back to DINT.

Results I get:
DINT1011103: INT0 15, INT2 28063. 15*2^16 + 28063 = 1011103 - Looks OK.
DINT1021103: INT0 15, INT2 -27473.

Based on https://support.industry.siemens.com/cs/mdm/109054417?c=63679745547&lc=en-CO
if I read signed integer 15th bit is reserved for a sign.

1021103 = 983040 + 38063 (In binary 1001 0100 1010 1111)
Why doesn't S7 node return -5295?

If I read both variables as unsigned integers I receive correct numbers

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