Currently I'm doing a project where a sensor captures the distance in relation to time. My current problem lies in saving this data to an excel table, I am currently using this node (, and this is giving me the result of the image sent,
It's just a value for each column, would i like to know how I can solve this problem? would require that the distance be in one column and the time in another respectively.
Then I think you need to store the data together and then send it to the excel node.
Another way of achieving an excel compatible file would be to write it as csv ( comma separated file)
where you can create format each line and then add it to an existing file using the FILE-out node
i tried the second it doesn't create the accurate format .. as for the first one i don't really know how to build a flow that send the file all at once
Hi, I am new to node-red, can you give an example how to store the data together and send it to excel node, so that i can insert multiple rows into excel
@Ramya -
Where are you getting the data from?
What format is the date in?
What have you tried so far?
Show us your flow (read How to share code or flow json)
I am hard-coding the json data in my function node,I can able to store the array of multiple json into excel , assume i have [{"key1":"a","key2":"b"},{"key3":"c","key4" : "d"}] but now can you help me how to strore the key1 and key2 into sheet1 of excel and key3 and key4 into sheet2 of excel.
now i am storing key1, key2, key3, key4 all in one sheet of excel, which i dont want to do
Firstly, if you are using CSV, note that CSV files can only ever represent a single sheet. They have no concept of multiple sheets, you need multiple CSV files. You can use Excel to combine those files, especially if using newer versions of Excel. If your version of Excel has PowerQuery included then automatically combining a folder of CSV files into a single workbook is pretty easy. Even if not, it is relatively easy, especially with a bit of VBA for automation.
You could also do the automation using PowerShell if you are on a platform with support (it is available on Linux not just Windows these days). Because PowerShell supports .net natively, you can use the Excel libraries to combine data.