Seeed Studio reCamera?

Anyone have any experience with the Seeed Studio reCamera?

It has a built in node-red server at IP.Address:1880 and apparently includes nodes for Ultralytics yolo11n, yolo8n, and a few other AI models.

I've asked on their wiki if it has enough resources to support larger models than the "nano", specifically the medium and large as in my use case the nano models aren't significantly better than MobilenetSSD_v2 and need a lot more computer power and memory. If the answer is "yes" I suspect I'll order one to play with.

In the meantime I'm wondering if anyone here was involved in the project. A forum search turned up an unanswered question about cameras for the carrier board in "Industrial" and a reply asking what the question has to do with node-red.

I've no connection with Seeed Studio other than I've purchased Beaglebone boards and Coral TPUs from them, and am thus on their Email list.

I've learned that the re-Camera only costs like $60 so I plan on ordering one to play with. If I come up with anything useful I will share. But it is very low on my priority list at the moment.