Select Dropdown with Hierarchy

Hi! Is there a way to implement a Select Dropdown with Hierarchy in the Editor?

On the basis you're developing your own Node RED module...

Developing the editor dialog, uses nothing more than standard HTML/Javascript (well, near enough)
So I would start by finding some jQuery plugins that you can potentually use.

Node RED has some plugins available for use

And if using jQuery Plugins, you might want to look at the resources API

The Editor includes both jQuery and jQueryUI. There is certainly a combobox in jQueryUI though when I tried it, I couldn't get it to work properly. Probably my bad but there we go.

Worth noting that your custom node can include a resources folder. Anything in there will be made available to the Editor and so can be consumed in your Edit panel. So if you need a custom library, you can always put something there.

Personally, I've moved standard code and styles that are shared in my nodes to the resources folder and I've also moved each node's Editor JavaScript out of the html file and into the resources folder (linked in from the html file of course). This has the advantages of enabling a dedicated eslint configuration for editor code and it is, in my view, a lot easier to edit the javascript separate from the other html.

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