Hi there!!!
I have this node, a vuetify switch element:
"id": "57b22788516ec087",
"type": "ui-template",
"z": "7a3b4795ea906904",
"group": "",
"page": "",
"ui": "fb4659d6be89de62",
"name": "Data Entry dialog",
"order": 0,
"width": 0,
"height": 0,
"head": "",
"format": "<template>\n <div class=\"pa-4 text-center\">\n <v-dialog\n width=\"auto\"\n scrollable\n >\n <template v-slot:activator=\"{ props: activatorProps }\">\n <v-btn\n color=\"brown\"\n prepend-icon=\"mdi-earth\"\n text=\"Selezione singola\"\n variant=\"outlined\"\n v-bind=\"activatorProps\"\n ></v-btn>\n </template>\n\n <template v-slot:default=\"{ isActive }\">\n \n <v-card fluid>\n <v-card-text class=\"px-5\" style=\"height: 300px;\">\n \n <p>{{ people }}</p>\n <v-switch\n v-model=\"people\"\n color=\"primary\"\n label=\"Mark\"\n value=\"Mark\"\n hide-details\n ></v-switch>\n <v-switch\n v-model=\"people\"\n color=\"primary\"\n label=\"Karl\"\n value=\"Karl\"\n hide-details\n ></v-switch>\n <v-switch\n v-model=\"people\"\n color=\"primary\"\n label=\"Frank\"\n value=\"Frank\"\n hide-details\n ></v-switch>\n <v-divider></v-divider>\n\n <v-card-actions>\n <v-btn\n text=\"Close\"\n @click=\"isActive.value = false\"\n ></v-btn>\n\n <v-spacer></v-spacer>\n\n <v-btn\n color=\"surface-variant\"\n text=\"Save\"\n variant=\"flat\"\n @click=\"isActive.value = false\"\n ></v-btn>\n </v-card>\n</template>\n</template>\n<script>\n export default { data () {\n return {\n people: \"\",\n }\n },\n watch: {\n \n people: function () {\n \n this.send({payload: this.people})\n }\n }\n }\n</script>\n\n",
"storeOutMessages": true,
"passthru": true,
"resendOnRefresh": true,
"templateScope": "widget:ui",
"className": "",
"x": 170,
"y": 540,
"wires": [
"id": "fb4659d6be89de62",
"type": "ui-base",
"name": "test _2",
"path": "/dashboard",
"includeClientData": true,
"acceptsClientConfig": [
"showPathInSidebar": true,
"navigationStyle": "default"
now i have created a csv file with the names (John, Sean, etc.) and i want send it to the Vuetify switch element and change them.
How can i do it?