Sending an email through Node-RED

How can I send an email on outlook through Node-RED where the email consists of data of the function node?

Have you searched for email nodes?

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Not quite sure what you mean by, "send an email on outlook through Node-RED" ?

Do you mean

  • send an email from Outlook, and have it received by Node-RED?
  • have Node-RED send an email, and have it received by Outlook?
  • have Node-RED trigger Outlook to send an email?
  • other ??

As @TotallyInformation said, have you checked out the available email nodes; eg,

As @awneil said, you need to clarify what you're asking. I'm going to add another possibility of what you mean to the list he provided. Are you referring to sending an email through the Office 365 platform? If so, you need to use STMP with the node-red-node-email @TotallyInformation referred you to. I have a personal O365 account and two additional professional accounts (through the radio station I run and at my full-time job).

I bring that up because IMAP and SMTP are enabled for my personal and radio station accounts but my employer has everything outside Exchange functionality disabled and you may run into that.

And because it maybe relevant if using O365, you may need to use OAuth.
it was discussed the other day - so still fresh in my mind

Yes I had tried but didn't worked out due to security reasons but thanks for your help :slight_smile:

I wanted to send an email which consists data and a format into it from Node-RED to the outlook mail and I tried using Zapier and it worked out. Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help :slight_smile:

Thanks for your help and I had tried using Zapier app and it worked out because I had some security issues due to which emails node were not able to send to the outlook so I used Zapier app and http node. :slight_smile:

Thank You all for the help and guidance.
My query has been resolved as I used Zapier app connecting with the http node and providing it's webhook url instead of email node because it was throwing some security issues.
Thanks alot for your answers. :slight_smile:

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