I will use the node-red-node-pi-sense-hat (0.1.4) on a Raspberry Pi 3 with Busters,
Node-RED v3.0.2 and
Node.js v14.21.3.
python -V
python 2.7.16
python3 -V
python 3.7.3
But I get the error "no connection".
If found pe-requisites
sudo pip-3.2 install pillow
sudo: pip-3.2: command not found
FWIW there is an issue on the AstroPi github site relating to this error. It says "manual pillow install was only necessary in Wheezy".
The OP is using Buster, 2 versions ahead of Wheezy, but 1 behind the current: Bullseye.
It might be worth installing the latest RpiOS on a spare SD card and see if you can get the sense hat working with that.