Thanks! finally I used you suggestion with var timeStamp = new Date(); and works fine now.
I try to show back in graph the data collected by the Mysql based on example i found in
but unfortunately doesnt work. I tried to adjust it with my limited knowlege on this but still...
any clue how to show back the data?
Here below my complete flow
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"id": "596ee9c.cc98018",
"type": "function",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "prepare data to sql",
"func": "var sensorVal= parseFloat(msg.payload);\n//var timeStamp = msg.timestamp;\nvar timeStamp = new Date();\nvar sensorName = \"UnoWifiDS18B20\"; // defined string. Or should this be aquired from the topic?\n\n// replace myTable with your db table name \nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO Sensor_data (Sensor_Val, Time, Sensor_Name) VALUES (?,?,?)\";\nmsg.payload = [sensorVal, timeStamp, sensorName];\nreturn msg;",
"outputs": 1,
"noerr": 0,
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"id": "f6193383.b7c27",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "esp8266/18ds20",
"topic": "qiot/things/admin/ESPeasy/ds18b20/Temp",
"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "dfce0de9.dd384",
"x": 97.99996948242188,
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"wires": [
"id": "b846580b.b51268",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "esp8266 Rssi",
"topic": "qiot/things/admin/ESPeasy/sys_info/rssi",
"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "dfce0de9.dd384",
"x": 100.99995422363281,
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"wires": [
"id": "972109d8.7ad7f8",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "UNO wifi RSSI",
"topic": "arduino",
"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "dfce0de9.dd384",
"x": 101.99995422363281,
"y": 824.0107555389404,
"wires": [
"id": "5dfeca1f.5ff2a4",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "esp8266Soil/18ds20",
"topic": "qiot/things/admin/esp8266Soil/18ds20/Temp",
"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "dfce0de9.dd384",
"x": 102.99999237060547,
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"wires": [
"id": "9ae687ad.e8bd58",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "esp8266Soil RSSI",
"topic": "qiot/things/admin/esp8266Soil/sysinfo/rssi",
"qos": "0",
"datatype": "auto",
"broker": "dfce0de9.dd384",
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"wires": []
"id": "92bda667.dbde48",
"type": "function",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "prepare data to sql",
"func": "var SensorRSSI_val= parseFloat(msg.payload);\n//var timeStamp = msg.timestamp;\nvar timeStamp = new Date();\nvar SensorRSSI_Name = \"esp8266Soil_RSSI\"; // defined string. Or should this be aquired from the topic?\n\n// replace myTable with your db table name \nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO SensorRSSI (SensorRSSI_val, SensorRSSI_time, SensorRSSI_Name) VALUES (?,?,?)\";\nmsg.payload = [SensorRSSI_val, timeStamp, SensorRSSI_Name];\nreturn msg;",
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"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
"name": "prepare data to sql",
"func": "var sensorVal= parseFloat(msg.payload);\n//var timeStamp = msg.timestamp;\nvar timeStamp = new Date();\nvar sensorName = \"ESP8266SoilDS18B20\"; // defined string. Or should this be aquired from the topic?\n\n// replace myTable with your db table name \nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO Sensor_data (Sensor_Val, Time, Sensor_Name) VALUES (?,?,?)\";\nmsg.payload = [sensorVal, timeStamp, sensorName];\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "prepare data to sql",
"func": "var sensorVal= parseFloat(msg.payload);\n//var timeStamp = msg.timestamp;\nvar timeStamp = new Date();\nvar sensorName = \"ESP8266_18DS20\"; // defined string. Or should this be aquired from the topic?\n\n// replace myTable with your db table name \nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO Sensor_data (Sensor_Val, Time, Sensor_Name) VALUES (?,?,?)\";\nmsg.payload = [sensorVal, timeStamp, sensorName];\nreturn msg;",
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"id": "df8d3209.6dff4",
"type": "mqtt in",
"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
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"topic": "qiot/things/admin/esp8266Soil/SoilMoisture1/Soil",
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"func": "var sensorVal= parseFloat(msg.payload);\n//var timeStamp = msg.timestamp;\nvar timeStamp = new Date();\nvar sensorName = \"ESP8266_Soil\"; // defined string. Or should this be aquired from the topic?\n\n// replace myTable with your db table name \nmsg.topic = \"INSERT INTO Soil_data (Soil_Val, Soil_Time, Soil_Sensor_Name) VALUES (?,?,?)\";\nmsg.payload = [sensorVal, timeStamp, sensorName];\nreturn msg;",
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"template": "SELECT Sensor_Val,Sensor_Name,Time FROM Sensor_data WHERE time > {{payload}}",
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"wires": [
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"func": "var timeE = msg.payload;\n//Restrict the query to pull the last 24hrs\n//of data instead of the whole db\nmsg.payload = (timeE - (1000*60*60*24));\n node.status({text:msg.payload});\nreturn msg;",
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"name": "Flow to query database and format for chart",
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"pt": "msg",
"to": "(\t $series := [\t { \"field\": \"Sensor_Val\", \"label\": \"Sensor_Name\" }\t ];\t $xaxis := \"timestamp\";\t [\t {\t \"series\": $series.label,\t \"data\": $series.[\t (\t $yaxis := $.field;\t $$.payload.{\t \"x\": $lookup($, $xaxis),\t \"y\": $lookup($, $yaxis)\t }\t )\t ]\t }\t ]\t)",
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"z": "5ed7faf3.7da194",
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Thanks once more in advance for all your valuable help on that!