Sensors DS18B20 detected by Linux but no by NR

If I use the shell the sensors are attached:

pi@vrvtest:~ $ ls /sys/bus/w1/devices/
28-00000cbece94  28-00000cbf87ba  28-01203366920f  w1_bus_master1

but in the NR node the drop down list is empty

Which contrib node are you using?

I was using plain ds18b20 (which should give all the sensor to choose the one in a drop list, but it was empty), now I'm using rpi ds18b20 which works and returns msg.paylod with an array with all the sensors ID+value; perfect!

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That's the first time I got "Solution" by asking a question. Glad it worked for you!
One thing worth mentioning is that it is always good practice to visit the GitHub page of the node, just in case the node has not been updated for a long time!

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