Serial communication change value

Hi, it's my first time with node-red and it's my first time here. I would like to use a stream that I downloaded from the web to be able to communicate with my pylontech battery, I know that the stream is working because many use it, but I am having problems. when i inject the character buffer to the serial port, the receiver does not arrive as i sent it. let me explain better if I send pwr / n the receiver replies that the command xwr / n does not exist, during the sending the p was changed with x. I am using a rasperry zero w with a usb to rs232 serial adapter, the adapter works and the cable (about 10 meters) is ok because with other monitoring programs it works fine. I used the serial node of the standard installation, do I need to install some other particular serial node?

Welcome to the forum @calida82

Feed the message you are passing to the serial node into a debug node and show us what it says. Also show us how you have configured the serial node.

this is the flow

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Uploading: Schermata del 2022-11-17 00-12-57.png...
Uploading: Schermata del 2022-11-17 00-13-19.png...

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