"Serial Port Closed" when starting flow

I am running node-red v2.2.2 on a Windows 10 PC. The flow I am having issues with connects to an Arduino UNO via the node-red Arduino nodes. This particular flow worked OK for several months, but now is throwing an error whenever the flow is started. The error says "Serial Port Closed" and the reporting node is listed as edf1d930.6fb958, with msg: string[26]. What is odd is that there is no node by that name in my flow, or any of my other flows (all of which are deactivated). Further, no node in any of my flows produces a msg payload of string[26]. My original guess was that noise on the USB cable from the PC was causing the issue, but now it appears that the issue is this phantom node. Any insights on what is going on here and how to fix it is appreciated.

Try searching that ^ using CTRL+F

Have you unplugged and moved to a different USB port? This can cause the com port number to change.

Have you restarted the computer to ensure no other application is accessing the com port?

I think this was related to my software being well out of date. I uploaded the latest versions and re-started and all now seem to be working OK. I still get the phantom node message, but it does not seem to have any effect on proper operation. Thanks Steve for your assistance.

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