Tengo varios Shelly 1 y los controlo desde node red con un nodo de mqtt in y pongo shellies/xxx/relay/0 y para la entrada shellies/xxx/relay/0/command y funciona perfecto… he comprado los nuevos Shelly 1 plus, y ya no funciona así, alguien me puede ayudar por favor
I have several Shelly 1 and I control them from node red with a mqtt in node and I put shellies/xxx/relay/0 and for the shellies/xxx/relay/0/command input and it works perfectly... I have bought the new Shelly 1 plus, and it no longer works like that, can someone help me please
enabling enable mqtt control will allow these commands also
In addition to the MQTT RPC channel, some functional components export a control interface which allows for easier integration with external systems, in cases where a complete RPC client on the peer is not feasible or practical. Publish and subscribe topics are defined which allow direct control of the device over MQTT. They are available when the enable_control flag in the MQTT configuration is set to true. For components which support mqtt control, the common topic pattern is:
Shelly will subscribe to the following topics, accepting commands:
shellies/command which can be used to send a "broadcast" command to all devices on this MQTT exchange
<topic_prefix>/command where <topic_prefix> is usually unique per device
<topic_prefix>/command/<component:id> where individual components accept specific commands