Simple question for you guys/girls; brain twister for me

Mr Zenofmud, Yes I did fill in the Wifi (twice actually, also the backup ...) Then I unplugged the D1 and plugged it back in on a good power supply. But no IP address to be found ...

This is the usual system of a failed connection to the wifi - on your phone or a seperate device have a look for available WIFI networks after you boot the WEMOS up. If it fails to attach to the WIFI network it will create its own Access Point and a default network of 192.168.4.x - the WEMOS web page will be at


Did you look at the BME680? For a boat application, you get all in one, the gas detection might be of particular interest if you have some gas heating or cooking gear on board, as well as being able to detect CO, i.e. general air quality


It works !!! Am a happy camper.
Many many many thanks to you all for helping me out.
Will be a great weekend!

Just for future reference, what was the problem??



  1. My Novice status
  2. Did not know where to find the BIN and the confusion in the Flasher UI with the Open Folder button
  3. During the setup (after flashing) it asks for Wifi U and PW, and then the inability to find the D1

But it was mainly my level of understanding and the steep learning curve I'm on.

And again much appreciated how you (all) helped me!

Enjoy the weekend.


PS I might come with some more questions ... :wink:

No problem - most people on this forum are always willing to help newcomers.

One thing I found when the flashing sequence had finished was... I had to keep SLOWLY clicking the reset button on the Wemos to get the 'Flasher' to step through the additional settings (that are sent via serial).
I keep meaning to report it to the ESP guys.

Just been reading about... OpenPlotter.

OMG - you are going to have so much fun (enjoyment) putting a Wemos and RPi on your sailing boat.

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Absolutely ... for a fraction of the price .. will be a blast

... if I can get it to work :wink:

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Of course you will - there's plenty of help here.

Your project has given me an idea for my IoT students.
Connecting a RPi (maybe a Pi-Zero-W) to a mobile phone so the students can send sensor data to a dB.

I'm a bit of a sailor myself, but I hadn't seen OpenPlotter before now, so thanks for the info. I can see a winter-time project starting soon... :grinning:

Mr Zenofmud,

Was able today to do some things:

  1. Get my D1 up and running (plus connect it to Wifi)
  2. Solder the pins
  3. Link a temp sensor to D1
  4. Read the temp via the webpage of the D1

Now I'm trying to connect the D1 to my Raspi Acces Point (called openplotter).

  1. How do I know what the assigned IP address (by openplotter WiFi) is for the D1
  2. Will I use Signal K NodeRed (MQQT) for the next step: connecting it to MQQT

Hope you can push me in a direction.



  1. You will need to get into espeasy on the WeMos. In the CONFIG tab you can enter a primary and secondary WiFI Settings. You probably want the Openplotter to be the first one. I would try to assign a static IP address to the WeMos so you will know what it is, but that will depend on the range of IP addresses. In other words, if your home network assigns addresses in the range of 10.0.nn.nn and the Pi assigns them in the range of 192.168.nn.nn you won't be able to assign a static address that will work on both systems.

If you can use your home computer to access the Pi, you should be able to access the WeMos too.

I know nothing about Signal K NodeRed so i won't be much help there, sorry

I guess,,,that this is used in OpenPlotter but I could not see or confirm it

Anyway, interesting to see the server communicates over HTTP, WebSocket and TCP. So first is to use this to connect with Node-RED. Once done, you can elaborate with the data, send it via MQTT or do whatever is your requirement

The server multiplexes data from NMEA0183, NMEA 2000, Signal K and sensor inputs (eg. I2C connected sensors) and provides the data in Signal K format over HTTP, WebSocket and TCP. It also functions as a NMEA0183 server over TCP.

Use ESP Easy mega flasher to post program the wifi details via usb, you can send the SSID and pass to your esp8266 in a few seconds. Sometimes it does not drop an ap to conncet to router. Novadays when flash anew nodemcu, I do not even bother with ap mode, right after flash I send the wifi details to it via usb and it is there for sure. Good luck.